Patina will be closed on Monday, January 20th, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.


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ALMOST THERE! Once your wishlist is complete, choose your delivery method and click DELIVERY DETAILS to let us know where it’s going.

*Shipping: $0.00
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with our multi-day rate.

SHIPPING COSTS: Standard delivery rates are $450 each way. Additional fees may apply for off hours or out of area deliveries. Please check our FAQs here.

LAST STEP! Fill out your delivery details below and click SUBMIT. We'll email you back within one business day (M-F) with a quote and availability.

  • Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

SHIPPING COSTS: Standard delivery rates are $400 each way. Additional fees may apply for off hours or out of area deliveries. Please check our FAQs here.

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Once I receive the quote, are the items on hold for me until my event?

The items on your proposal are Just on hold for 24 hours! The items on your order will only be officially on hold when a 50% deposit is received. Without that deposit, the items are available to other clients.

Since we have a curated collection with many in-demand, limited editions and one-of-a-kind items we highly recommend making the deposit on anything you love.  We know the feeling when someone else gets that thing we were really excited about, we want to help you avoid that!

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